First week free!- New members only
Free 7 day unlimited access to video-on-demand library! Free week starts from date of first use. Make sure to sign up for your classes after you claim your free week.
Monthly Unlimited Autopay -$34.99 (Less than $1.50/ class!)
Unlimited 24/7 access to video-on-demand library.
24 hour access to unlimited video-on-demand library.
10 DAY PASS- $25
10 consecutive days of unlimited video-on-demand library access.
monthly unlimited (no contract- non AUTO-RENEW)- $50
Unlimited access to video-on-demand library. Month begins day of purchase, membership will not auto renew.
Hello, World!
*All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Written notice of membership cancellation must be provided a minimum of 7-days prior to next billing date. Cancellation requests can be sent to